Wood Furniture - Naturally Elegant
(Welcome to DistinguishedPallet.com!)

You might be among the thousands of people who love wood furniture. The beauty of the wood grain is striking, as is the craftsmanship.

When you look over a well-made piece, you appreciate the hours of cutting and grooming it must have taken to make the individual parts to fit so snugly.

And that design! How did they ever come up with that gorgeous design?  You can see – no, you feel – that this piece is unique among its peers, and you want it. This rendering, if you will, of a coffee table suits you.

Not only does the furniture speak to you, but it’s almost like the artisan who created it is speaking to you.

That’s because s/he is.

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Wood furniture as a mouthpiece

We all tend to recognize music as a vehicle for the musician, or the painted canvass as an expression of the painter. Not only that, but we could go on and on about how people use creative means to convey to others what’s inside them.

It doesn’t necessarily mean a creative person’s soul is laid bare, though. One sculpture cannot say it all, nor can a single blueprint explain the architect. Neither will one piece of wood furniture define the wood craftsman.

Stay with me, here. This isn’t a site about the creative psyche…I won’t pretend to know that much about such matters. I’m merely pointing out what many of us already know about how we can spot originality when we see it, and how we often contribute its splendidness to its creator.

Furthering that point, we also tend to identify with particular artists, based on our appreciation of their work - see what I mean?

If we like someone’s creative flair enough – when it says something to us where we live – we follow them so that we won’t miss anything new they come up with.  

That’s the way in which her unique wood furniture is becoming Rhonda Smith’s
mouthpiece.  Explore what she’s made so far, and you’ll get to know Rhonda a little bit. What does her handiwork say to you?

It’s not just because she’s my favorite sister that I’m touting her original, beautiful, one-of-a-kind, hand crafted furniture. It’s because she’s good at what she does, and she loves doing it, too.

And while we're talking about unique, creative flair, we'd be remiss if we didn't take a moment and appreciate my dad's work. (If I revert to my native tongue, and call him "Daddy," you'll translate without skipping a beat, right?)

So, Daddy's woodworking creations draw the deserved attention of a wood enthusiast much like eucalyptis leaves strike the fancy of a hungry koala! Interesting, soul-pleasing morsels for the eyes.

Passion and pride go into every piece of furniture these two build. Equally important to both of them is their attention to detail. Sometimes we'll see functionability, sometimes humor, and always distinction.

Take one look around, and you’ll understand what I’m saying.

You have happened upon a couple of skilled artisans whose talent in woodworking is seasoned, but always being further developed. Technological innovation dictates that we'll have a social media page set up so you can follow them - please allow us the necessary time it'll take to get that piece of the puzzle placed, and we'll post a link to it here on the site!

Meanwhile, stay tuned via our newsletter, or join in on our discussion forums!

Innovative furniture

Ok, now, I’ve got a question for you. When it comes to wood furniture, what does innovative mean to you? I guess it would depend to a large degree on your world view. For example…

·         Do you enjoy a modern lifestyle? Then you will probably be drawn to contemporary furniture. Furniture that is fresh, minimalistic, striking in blacks, whites, and bold colors. Finished pieces that are easy to clean and say, “Don’t worry about us, go out and have fun! We’ll be here in pristine order when you come home.” (We understand.)

·         Consider yourself no-frills? “Down to earth”? You might think innovative means functional furnishings. Practical furniture that serves a purpose other than just looking nice. (We’re your neighbor.)

·         Spend your time involved in environmental causes? Innovative wood furniture sports its own natural, earthy tones – am I right? You want it to showcase its natural beauty without harmful treatments or heavy chemical varnishes. (Exactly why we rescue salvaged and reclaimed wood for our projects.)

·         Love art for art’s sake? Are you one who can’t help but see the breathtaking beauty in an old stump? (We’ve got you covered, too! In fact, we are you…errr, well…we know how you feel.)

So, back to our question – what does innovative mean to you? To us, it means designing, developing (we’re always learning), and building great wood furniture. It means creating commonplace furnishings with an uncommon flair.

Whether it starts out as a few lawnmower pallets or as some reclaimed lumber from an old barn, a piece of wood furniture that has emerged from Rhonda’s workshop will stun you. It’s safe to say you won’t be able to chronicle its story by guessing. (You’ll know only that it does have a story.)

Our site here is just getting started, but we invite you back often, since we’ll be adding a lot of new content about innovative wood furniture. Beautiful, different, fresh, yet having a well-worn, well-loved effect.

So, please take a stroll through our site and get to know us.

Share your thoughts with us. Pass on your ideas for a special piece of furniture you’d love to own. I bet Rhonda will have some good ideas about how she can deliver on your concept.

Who knows? We might become friends. :)


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