Our Ads and Your Privacy

Do we personalize our ads according to your viewing history? (No.)

Many websites today pay close attention to every click you make and to how long you’ve spent viewing specific pages. (Ominous, when you think about it…) Then they take that data about your interests and previous online activities and use it to make the advertising they provide on their sites “more interesting and relevant” to you.

We do not do that here.

Vive la difference!

We post ads which we like and/or think you might like. They are selected based on our content and our viewership.

We also look forward to exchanging ideas with you about what you like or would like to see on our site, so we can personalize our ads that way. Nuestra casa es su casa.

So, please feel free to check out any link that catches your eye at DistinguishedPallet.com because you will not be followed around. At least, not by us – but remember that we cannot speak for or monitor other sites’ activities.

We just want you to rest at ease while you are here with us. Sorite? Sorite!

Do you have something to say about our ads?

Our ads...the advertisements we choose to share with you here on our site are always meant to add some kind of value to your life... do you have a problem you need solved? Is there something you need to get your hands on? Or maybe just want to have? Let us know if you're on the look-out for something specific. We're listening!

      (Psssst - We've got a form for that!)

Are you looking for value?
Let us help you find it!

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Suggest an ad!

We are all glad you're here, and we hope you stick around, take a tour of our site, get to know us and let us get to know you by interacting with us....

If you like something, feel free to let us and others know. 

If you don't like something, please just let us know = and give us a chance to change or otherwise address it, OK?

We value you!

We want you to know that our site participates in affiliate marketing, which means we can get referral commissions for purchases made through some of the links we provide on our pages. 

Does this affect your pocketbook (e.g. would you pay more for a product if you found it through an affiliate link?)

Absolutely not. You would pay the same for an item whether you found it by following our link or by surfing the net or using a search engine.

There are two reasons we use affiliate links:

1) to share a resource with you, which also expands our own offerings, in a sense, & makes our site more attractive in a global environment

2) to supplement our earnings as we work full time from home.