About Us
(Here at Distinguishedpallet.com)

We're a team - a family, to be more exact, and for us, this endeavor is about togetherness, financial independence, fun, therapy, lifelong learning, sharing, humor, time freedom, adventure, entrepreneurship, dreams, faith, hope, and the greatest of these, of course ---


About Rhonda

What’s special about May, 2018, can you guess? I’ll give you a hint…that's when a new furniture designer and builder "came to town”!  

Rhonda Smith, doing business as – wait for it – Palletically Correct, realized just a few years ago that doing what she loves (designing and building with wood) is in perfect alignment with one of her best talents (designing and building with wood), and could thus help her earn a living.

A huge pleasure-point for her in furniture making is discovering the natural beauty in each piece of wood she works with – including those “imperfections” (…what does that even mean??), which are exactly what give it its distinctiveness.

Some pieces she stains, and some she leaves bare, for a unique blend of diversity (e pluribus unum, right?) that she works together to bring about a stunning work of art worth the taking!

Rhonda has the right get-it-done work ethic to go along with her skills, too.

How many of us easily give it our best when we are doing what we love to do?

That’s what I’m talking about. Rhonda puts her best into every piece of furniture she creates for several reasons. She recognizes that:

·         if she can expect someone to pay for her vision, time, and skilled labor, then that someone can expect to receive an original, durable, and beautiful piece worth showing…

·         everything she makes is a reflection of her, and she is unquestionably aware that her  reputation is officially on the line…

·         this is how she puts food on her table (offering you, for example, a lovely table to put something on J )

·         she knows the value of details... Rhonda gives sharp attention to the details, and yes, she runs most of her chefs-d’oeuvre by several reliable critics before calling it “finished”. This ensures that what you receive is truly unique and stylish.

And if you are one who really laments the impact that our wastefulness has on this earth we live on, you will be gladdened a bit by Rhonda’s choice of materials – namely, wood which has come from recovered pallets, reclaimed building material, and salvaged lumber.

Upcycling at its finest!

Let me add one more thing before you go (and please don’t go too far – we’d love for you to stay awhile!)…

Because Rhonda is imaginative, accomplished, and pays meticulous attention to detail, each piece of wood furniture she creates is one-of-a-kind and built to last.

And gorgeous.

And won’t disappoint. Find Rhonda at Palletically Correct.

(She doesn’t know how I’m talking about her right now, or she’d be embarrassed because she is an unpretentious artisan, but hey, I’m the website person, you know?  #power)

About Darlene

Yeh, me. I’m the one who is capturing what I consider to be the most relevant stuff to put here on our site. This definitely includes original goods for sale and services for hire.

After all, we’re here to earn at least part of a living from our various skills, interests, and talents – of which some are collaborative and some are heterogeneous. (I try to stay away from words like that, but this one says exactly what I want to convey to you…that is, that some of our creative doings are diverse AND dissimilar AND unrelated to those of our fellow artisans. So see? I just saved you from having to peruse, decipher and cogitate upon a lengthy laundry list of superfluous vocabulary. Aren’t I a gem.)

Well, while I’m sharing about myself, this would be an ideal time to point out that I also dabble in the enjoyable work of creating and building things from odds and ends, and when you read “things”, read goodies , and when you read “odds and ends”, be thinking of stuff  like scrap wood, new wood, knick-knacks, paddywhacks (I don’t know what these are, but they go with knick-knacks), items found in nature such as corn cobs and pinecones, paints and stains, recycled things, etc., and you’ll almost know what you need to know.

Are my offerings clear as mud so far? Find me at Palletable Delights.

P.S. FYI (I love acronyms) Nine out of ten "delights" are crossbred from a pallet....

About the Others (the category for Creatives in our family who excel at their chosen crafts, but who cannot be faulted for either the creation or curation of this site)

Roy (aka Daddy or Grampa), though retired (he’ll say he wasn’t even tired the first time so how could he be re-tired), Roy is constantly flexing his engineering mind (which is why I’ve never understood why he’s not tired by now). When you see the fruits of his labor - sometimes incredibly beautiful (on the elegant side of things) and sometimes humorously nonconforming (as in, wha?) – you’ll be back, guaranteed. (That is, if you like his brand of beauty, elegance, and humor… Notice how I inserted my disclaimer? - Always do that with a written guarantee.

(…ahem, unless you believe you should let your yay be yay and your nay, nay) Well, I’m tired now, so maybe I should retire.

{I heard that!}

Anyway, you can find Roy at Wedell Originals.

Becca (uh...you’ll never know…well, you might. Some day. She’s really good at several things. But don’t hold your breath about seeing any of them because she’s a little too modest about her achievements…) Find Becca at Phantom of the Offerings.

About Those of Us Taking a Hiatus

Jeremy reconstructs for his customers a lifelike display of God’s magnificent creatures. He is a sought after taxidermist because his work is superb, and he brings new vitality to the skins of animals brought to him. Find Jeremy at Dixon's Taxidermy.

Bethany’s customers keep coming back for more of her creative motifs made from vinyl sheets. Her work shows an original flair, but watch out - she’s a riot (and I mean that in the best sense). And that’s not all, oh no, that’s not all…when you come up with your own idea of what you want (…on a T-shirt, say), Bethany delivers. She’s a specs specialist. Find her at Cut It Out.

Bethany (is this deja-vu??) Picture this, she’s also an aspiring photographer! She has a knack for capturing children (also meant in the best sense) and the essence of relationships. Find this side of Bethany at Whiting Studio.

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