Roy knows cool...
My dad, Roy Wedell, has been crafting things from wood since before I can remember. Seeing cool wood creations throughout the house was so commonplace, I took most of it for granted. Didn't everyone's dad build a house-shaped bookshelf for their bedroom wall, or their very own stackable rooms for Barbie and Ken's apartment? How about games made of wood and marbles, or golf tees? We had them. Handmade at home.
My mother never lacked things like a cabinet for her thread spools and sewing bobbins, because all she had to do was say the word, and Daddy was on it. He loved her, and he loved using his ever-growing collection of shop tools. Carpentry wasn't his trade. Professionally, he was the owner and master mechanic of a successful small engine sales and repair shop. But he enjoyed that woodworking hobby!
As a little girl, running through the garage to get from the house to the backyard, I knew that passing a montage of tools and woodworking equipment was just par for the course.
The huge Shopsmith bandsaw and lathe, which stood along the garage wall -- opposite the screen door of the kitchen, usually had a layer of sawdust on the tubular bars that ran its length, as well as on the floor underneath the whole shebang. We weren't allowed to touch the machine, but I use to love to scoop up the sawdust into little piles on the concrete floor or spread the fine powder out in front of me and draw in it with my fingers. The smells of Daddy's "workshop" were heavenly, too. Freshly cut wood - I can't think of many things with a finer aroma!
I recall several really cool wood creations that Daddy made specifically for Mama's Bible class. Wood-framed Bible scenes with clear glass walls to protect the miniature tents, furniture, animals, and such from curious two-year-olds, and an open top so that Mama could design the exact layout the scene for her Bible story entailed. Or make necessary adjustments accordingly!
I remember Noah's ark - with precisely one door and one window (which I now understand probably extended around the entire perimeter of the boat, rather than being a small window on one side). He also built a box like that for either Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness, or Joseph in Egypt. I'm not sure which story it was for (maybe both?), but I remember lots of sand in there, which was so very compelling! What curious child wouldn't want to see toy people and animals stand up in mounds of sand? I know this curious kid here LOVED those cool wood creations!!
Before I show you Daddy's octogenarian renditions of cool wood creations, I've got to share one more memory. The details are somewhat fuzzy for me right now because I was only about 6 years old at the time, but some aspects of it (the coolest parts) are very clear in my mind. I think this particular creation was for my sister, Rhonda's elementary science class.
Daddy built an educational "matching" board, which boasted a small light bulb that lit up whenever the player made a correct match. Actually, I guess he made two, because Rhonda glued, or otherwise attached, the pictures of various birds, flowers, names, etc. on her wooden board (as the prompts for matching), while Mama designed hers with questions and answers about various Bible class lessons.
Before trying to describe it, I asked Rhonda about this memorable science project, and she thinks she "won first place with that thing." Of course, I'm sure she gave Daddy the credit for placing the thin wires on back, and then hooking them up to the brass brads (a metallic type of paper fastener), which had a disc-like head and a couple of......doohickies is the best I can come up with.
Said doohickies came up through pre-drilled holes and lay flattened against the front of the board, serving to conduct the electrical energy necessary (when touched with tweezers or something). So, the completed project used electrical impulses to reward the player's demonstration of knowledge, with light! Really neat for 5th and 6th grade learners, don't you think?
Here's the turntable that started the recent Lazy Susan concept spinning in Daddy's innovative mind! Take a nice-sized slab of gorgeous wood, add some crushed turquoise where it fits best, and voila - one cool wood creation for the dinner table!
Of course, it wasn't long after hearing such approving feedback, that Daddy began to turn these cool wood creations out right and left.
There's a whole lot of time, creativity, know-how, and skill that goes into a Wedell Original. Not to mention beautiful wood. Take mesquite, for example. Recently, Daddy's been creating Lazy Susan type turntables, and most of them are made from slabs of mesquite. He's also been using mesquite to make some handsome, one-of-a-kind coasters.
Daddy's turntables aren't limited to mesquite wood, though. In fact, further down you can find two turntables you'll never see again, once a couple of someones choose those treasures. They're made from at least 6 types of wood, including sweetgum, black walnut, and cedar.
And His Non-Mesquite Turntable Collection
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