3 Reasons Why Handmade Furniture Is Superior

Do you like handmade furniture? We do! Furnishings that are hand crafted, especially wood furniture, are worth the investment - whether that means an investment in time or money.

Rhonda's furniture is superbly hand crafted from reclaimed wood, and that's important for you to know because handmade furniture carries with it several distinct benefits that we are proud of.

We'll talk about 3 of those benefits in a minute, but first...

Outdated again! So soon?

Without getting too technical (which is a huge relief to me), I'll just mention that there are several natural laws that science has discovered which confirm what we've all known all along - that nothing endures in this cosmos forever....

In other words, any designed object will eventually break down (*read your furniture). But did you know most of the furniture that is mass produced in factories is actually designed to break down in a few short years?

It's done so consumers will feel a need to purchase new products and services to replace the "old" ones, which increases ongoing revenue for both the sellers and producers.

This little-known truth has an official name - planned obsolescence.

Some people call this is a smart way to manufacture products for sale.

They say it encourages a healthy commerce & better goods and services and call it a win-win because trends change fast, and most consumables go out of style, allowing a buyer to justifiably replace the "old" one. In the same vein, manufacturers get repeat business for replacement parts or newer models.

Other people criticize the practice, saying it is underhanded, and unfairly shortchanges consumers by essentially forcing their hand - especially if they need a particular product.

Some critics are concerned about the planet's sustainability, and they hate what they consider careless practices which produce waste. They often call out businesses who design their products precisely so they will become obsolete and have to be replaced.

Now, the benefits of handmade furniture...

I explained all that for a reason, of course.

I wanted to highlight the major differences between handmade furniture and furniture that's mass-produced using machinery.

1. Handmade means hand loved.

The first thing I'll mention is that, handmade furniture has not been assembled, molded, or otherwise cast by a machine making hundreds of the same product.

This means the piece has received more attention to detail -  dare I compare the skilled craftsman and his work (ladies, please don't be offended - I could have just as easily said craftswoman, but I just can't do both every time, ya know?) to a teen-aged mechanic and her first car? (...clever, eh?)

Of course, you know the diligent detailing that goes on in that scenario! Well, a furniture artisan uses the same TLC to ensure her "baby" is the best that it can be.

A hand crafted piece of wood furniture is strong, beautiful, and nurtured.

2. Handmade means unique - How do you find a unique piece of furniture?
(You 'neak up on it.)

Just contemplate this for a moment. If a skilled craftsperson (aha - found the word) has built a piece of furniture by hand - even using a pattern, but especially using personal creativity and spatial reasoning (thus, we say it's an art and a science) - there is not another piece to be found exactly like it anywhere in the world.

The piece is unique, and (you've known the feeling, haven't you?) its one-of-a-kindness lends itself to kinder treatment over time by those using it. Gentle treatment of treasured items causes them to last longer, which results in their perceived value going higher (a pride of ownership), which results in further appreciation for the piece by others.

Before you know it, that handmade furniture is worth millions! (or not...but we can dream...it's still unique, though) \^^/

3. Handmade means strength & durability.

Remember how we started this discussion - at the top of this page? We were noting the very real practice of something called planned obsolescence.

Usually, when you buy a piece of furniture from a retail store, there's a ready-come warranty inside the box that says your new item is guaranteed against manufacturing defect, with a promise to repair or replace the item if necessary within a specified period of time.

Then, there's often the additional extended warranty offered at the register as you are finalizing your purchase. Is it just me, or is it all too common for comfort that our warranties mysteriously end months, weeks, or days before their protected items suddenly go kaput?.

Well, here's the comparison I'm making. Furniture that is handmade by a skilled artisan is not subject to machine-related defects .

Not to mention, the wood and other building materials used by a craftsman will be of high quality.

And one last rah-rah...

As we consider all those perks of having handmade furniture, it would seem as though handmade furniture would be far more expensive than their factory manufactured counterparts. In reality, though, furniture crafted by hand is  competitive when it comes to price.

Furthermore, it's easy to see what an investment hand crafted furniture is, since it's not just another consumer product you'll have to replace every few years. (If the time comes that you are ready to replace it for some other reason, however, you'll find that your handmade pieces have a nice resale value. Not too shabby... Not shabby at all ! )

Can we also tout the admiration factor? You realize, don't you, that you have an automatic conversation piece when other people get an opportunity to see your one-of-a-kind handmade furniture. After all, no one else in the world has one just like it, and if you're fortunate enough to have learned the story behind the creation, you've got a great story to share !

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