Why So Many Are Looking for
"How to Boost Immune System"

It's not just because of COVID-19 that millions of people are searching the Internet to find out how they can build, boost, complement, or otherwise help their immune systems. Many minds are wondering whether their chronic health conditions can be managed...or whether reliable treatments might be available to provide them real relief in their everyday lives...or even whether their long-time compromised immune systems can legitimately become healthy.

Compromised immune systems

In a world where micro-organisms abound (and our ecosystem needs them to abound), there are a lot of things that can war against our health--things like funguses, viruses, and different types of bacteria. Of course, this is where our healthy immune systems come gallantly to the rescue.

But, if an immune system's organs are not working together with vital cells and proteins, as they should, then that immune system is compromised. A compromised--or weakened--immune system cannot defend the body well against harmful  invaders. Toxins, germs, and infections can attack more powerfully and easily lead to sickness.

Each of our bodies is unique, and our immune systems can react to invaders very differently than other people's immune systems might--even people in our own families. So, that explains why it is sometimes difficult for your doctor to decide exactly which medicine or alternative treatment is best for addressing the symptoms your body is presenting. It's not a one-size-fits-all scenario.

Compromised immune systems come in a variety of patterns, and there are several types of immune disorders.

For example, if you get a disease that weakens your immune system, then you are dealing with "acquired immune deficiency." If you struggle with allergies, it may be that your immune system is overly active. If you often experience problems with your health, your immune system most likely has a large role in that. A body either acquires an immune deficiency over time, or is born with a weakened immune system, (and this often becomes more prevalent as the body ages). There is even a condition called an autoimmune disease, under which an immune system actually attacks the body's healthy cells by mistake.

Regardless of the cause, if your immune system is compromised, you will, no doubt, seek answers to your infirmities. Who doesn't want to be healthy?

Sometimes the answer to an immune deficiency is a certain course of antibiotics, sometimes it's hormone therapy, sometimes topical ointment, sometimes physical therapy.... The list can vary enormously, depending upon the conditions being addressed, and cannot be exhausted since medical science is always advancing.

Perhaps you find it fortuitous,  with so many people facing health concerns, that we are not limited to medicinal treatments for problems. We also have options such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and naturopathy.

Healthy habits and nutritional supplements: non-medical immune boosters

There are, as we've discussed, various ways people can respond to their health concerns, which could include pharmaceutical drugs, different types of therapies, diet, exercise, and prepared vitamins and minerals, to boost immune health. We have the option of being treated by a doctor or other health practitioner, or to decide for ourselves how we wish to address our concerns.

A lot of people are recognizing the value of going natural with their food and drink choices. So for those people, it's just as important to find natural ways to supplement their diets. They are opposed to "Big Pharma," and they take special care in choosing resources for solving their physical health issues.

They are looking for products that demonstrate evidence of working with the body to heal and protect. They want to discover how to boost the immune system to fight against diseases. They're seeking things such as immune boosting foods, vitamins, and activities, which will allow them to take charge of their health, rather than merely cause them to suffer the consequences of what are all too often lifestyle choices.

Most people are aware, I would suppose, that there are health supplements on the market, which can replace nutrients missing in their regular diets. The idea behind supplements is to make up for a deficiency in one or more specific vitamins or minerals. In fact, the dietary supplement industry is an enormous reservoir of aids, supporting any search for how to boost immune systems.

Just like with all remedies, though, there are caveats. For instance, it is important to understand why a specific supplement should be used and how it should be consumed. Another factor to consider is whether a given supplement has been independently tested by a third-party, such as NSF International, who can determine the validity of the ingredients listed on its label, since supplements are not regulated by the FDA.

If you're looking for how to boost your immune system, improving your lifestyle habits is Method #1.

Even if you are battling severe health issues, you can take a degree of control over your health in real ways. You can decide to make some simple (not necessarily easy) changes in your daily habits. Here are a few seemingly minor suggestions that can have a huge impact:

  1. Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
  2. Drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated.
  3. Get adequate sleep.
  4. Avoid infection by taking simple steps, such as washing your  hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.
  5. Reduce your sugar intake.
  6. Lessen the stress in your daily life through meditation, journaling, exercise, or another anxiety-relieving activity.
  7. Take care not to overdo it with your consumption of caffeine.

Of course, we all know that smoking has been proven harmful to our health, as is drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. So, needless to say, if you engage in either one of those behaviors, you will do well to quit. I know, that's a lot easier for me to say than it will be for you to do. But if you choose to, you can do it! There are countless programs, physical aids, and support groups available and ready to help you! 

Another thing I hope we all understand is that we cannot inject harmful drugs into our bloodstream, or ingest harmful substances and remain healthy. On the contrary, we pay attention to proper dosing when we need to use medicinal substances for our benefit, and we use protective wear to keep our skin free from chemicals.

Diet and exercise have been staples in our modern understanding of healthful living for decades. Regular exercise can mean doing simple-but-consistent movement each day. You don't necessarily have to engage in deliberate yoga-type activity or full-blown aerobic routines in order to gain. The secret is to keep moving, because remaining sedentary contributes to a variety of chronic health conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, colon cancer, and diabetes.

And along with regular exercise comes nutritional eating. Our efforts to boost our immune systems would be dead in the water if we didn't make sure that the food we consume is valuable for our nourishment. Vegetables and fruits (hopefully, fresh) benefit us with natural dietary fiber and phytonutrients.

But if I eat as well as I can, and I'm doing appropriate amounts of exercise each day, and something still feels "off"...if I continue to be tired, or lack motivation, or find it hard to get going...if I feel achey, if my muscles continue to cramp, or if I feel "low" because of my pain...it could be time to find some good-quality nutritional supplements. The question now is, how can I know which supplements will benefit me?

Naturopathic doctors hope to prevent disease by encouraging their clients to control their diets, to exercise their bodies regularly, and to make use of techniques such as massage. When prevention efforts aren't able to achieve specific health goals, naturopathy sets out to treat diseases without the use of medical drugs. Instead, they opt for natural elements like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats.

I have learned of an exciting field of scientific study that is being used to change the way an individual's unique genetic code is expressed. This means that a person can actually help change the way the person's DNA affects his or her health by changing environmental factors in daily lifestyle. External environmental factors might include temperature, exposure to radiation, or  subjection to alcohol in the womb, while internal environmental factors could include diet, physical exercise, and anxiety.

How familiar are you with your DNA?
Imagine knowing how to boost immune system functioning in YOUR body!

If your immune system needs a boost, you've now got more options than you know. You can learn to fight back! 

Find out more about your immune system here. You'll find all kinds of information about the immune system in easy-to-understand terms, with interesting images and links to other resources.

Check out Dr. Michelle Sand's unique solution to help you reshape your future health, using your own DNA!

(Click on the image below.)

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